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More secure passwords
This is not meant to be a definitive source on password creation there are whole books devoted to the subject, there are however a few easy to follow guidelines that can make creating more secure and memorable passwords much easier for many people.
1) Make your password at least 6 characters long
2) Try to use a mixture of numbers and letters i.e. s3curity
3) Or use intials of a song or nursery rhyme phrase that you'll remember i.e. atkhaatkm (all the kings horses and all the kings men)
4) When storing reminders for password don't ever store the password just a reminder i.e. horses
5) The most secure and memorable type of password consists of a mixture of uppercase and lowercase letters with at least one number i.e. Fa20bbiaP (Five and 20 blackbirds baked in a Pie)
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